Newsletter 01/2022

Starting now, an interactive world invites anyone interested in the technologies that we and our research partners focus on at the High-Performance Center Mikronano to take a virtual tour of some of our work and developments.

EAS-Beispiel aus dem Showroom Leistungszentrum Mikronano
EAS example from the showroom

From now on, our partners, customers and anyone interested can even learn about our work interactively and in 3D in a virtual showroom. This showroom is a new service of the High-Performance Center Mikronano, which combines the capabilities of Fraunhofer Institutes and universities in Saxony along the value chain of microelectronics products.

To make these partners’ services tangible, the showroom provides clear, lively and, most importantly, vivid information, combining 3D animation and motion graphics. In the current initial phase, visitors can find out about numerous fields of application as well as eleven virtual exhibits through interactive 3D environments. The future will see a continuous expansion of these digital services.

Go to the virtual showroom here.