Project SunRISE

The basic principle underlying Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT) is the interconnectedness of the devices and systems that comprise it. As the number of nodes grows, however, so do risks to data security such as cyberattacks. Accordingly, the European partners involved in the SunRISE project are working on electronic systems with distributed security intelligence.

To this end, the German consortium is working on a comprehensive security solution for future IoT systems based on a cloud platform with machine learning techniques to exchange relevant security data among all participating end devices. This approach allows reliable detection of security anomalies. Furthermore, it enables the exchange of “security intelligence” data from IoT nodes to cloud back ends. To protect against data manipulation, privacy-friendly technologies such as homomorphic encryption and multi-party computation will be used. These will be implemented at the hardware level in application-specific circuits optimized for IoT end nodes and accelerated data processing.

The project partners will focus on several key fields of application, notably “Digital Industry”, “Digital Living”, and “Digital Energy Supply”.


To achieve the SunRISE targets, the consortium will concentrate on the following key innovations:

  • Machine learning in edge nodes, for IoT security analyses, and anomaly detection
  • Cloud platform with machine learning techniques to exchange relevant security data
  • Homomorphic encryption as a data protection technology for Industry 4.0
  • Manufacturing technologies for small-footprint circuits with above-average security

Fraunhofer IIS/EAS focuses primarily on real-time monitoring and detection of wireless threats and IT attacks involving distributed end and edge nodes. Data analysis is carried out in hierarchical collaboration between end and edge nodes using machine learning techniques. In addition, an existing hardware platform is being expanded for monitoring and analysis of wireless systems to provide RF fingerprinting, interference detection, and collision detection functions.

BMBF sponsoring
BMBF sponsoring

SunRISE is funded by Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the framework program “Microelectronics from Germany – Driver of innovation for the digital economy”.